Hi I’m Suzanne,
CEO and Lead Coach/Consultant at Oasis in the Overwhelm LLC. I have been a professional coach for over 15 years and during my early years when training for my coaching certification, I had the pleasure of training under Millie Grenough, the creator of the Oasis in the Overwhelm™ Program, to become a Certified Master Oasis Trainer.
Over the years, Millie and I stayed in touch– as she has with so many of her Oasis “grads” and the thousands of people who learned the strategies to make a positive difference in the quality of their lives.
When Millie decided to retire, I was fortunate enough to receive the reins from her to continue to share Oasis strategies with the world. She and I share the passion to bring Oasis to the needs of today’s world.
Suzanne Dudley Schon
Life and Leadership Coach
Millie and I have reached thousands of people through the Oasis program and our individual coaching businesses. We understand what people are up against, and it is my commitment to continue her Oasis program and my own coaching – to catalyze healing and growth in every client… to nurture their development so that they can flourish, navigate the peaks and valleys of daily life with greater ease, and grow on the path to fulfilling their potential.
Why us?
Millie and I both share “breaking point” stories that launched us on our respective and shared missions.
My own life hit the breaking point when everything appeared A-OK from an outsider’s perspective, but I was living inside an unhealthy relationship– with my partner and ultimately, myself. I was running myself ragged trying to overcompensate for what wasn’t working and desperately trying to be“perfect” for everyone around while neglecting my own career and self-care. Beyond losing sight of dreams of any kind, anxiety, stress, and overwhelm had me lose sight of how to be my own advocate. Dreams and self-respect belonged to other people; people who I believed deserved them more than I did.
My breaking point was a gift in disguise. The inability to endure caused me to finally reach out and grab a lifeline. Okay, more than one. Lots of lifelines. (Click here to read my professional bio).
Millie Grenough, the founder of Oasis, knows that routine of doing too much, trying too hard, and going too fast all too well. She says, admitting to being a bit hard-headed, that it took a near-death accident to wake her up to the craziness of her own lifestyle. In her days of recuperation, she realized that unless she did something different, she wouldn’t be around much longer.
Healing in her backyard hammock, Millie looked for ways to avoid the rat race when she returned to work. She developed four 60-second Strategies that didn’t cost a cent and could help her whenever, wherever. They worked. Her colleagues noticed, and wanted them for themselves.
Millie Grenough
Author of OASIS in the Overwhelm
The Oasis Strategies have now helped thousands of people in the USA, Europe, Argentina, Colombia, Puerto Rico, and New Zealand reduce toxic stress, improve personal and professional health, perceive with greater clarity, and act with increased effectiveness. The simple power and science-based effectiveness of Oasis explains why they appeal to people of different cultural and educational backgrounds, and of varying ages and professions, and nationalities. Because the strategies are so body-based and capable of being experienced so quickly, language and age are not barriers. Between Millie and I, we have shared Oasis strategies with preschoolers to university deans and Broadway professionals to individuals on the autism spectrum to high-functioning Type AA CEOs.