Cecile Wijne Kroon


Certified Master Oasis Trainer Cecile Wijne Kroon lives her life on two continents, in two professions, in two languages. Of Dutch origin, she spent half her life in the US, where she and her husband raised their two sons. She currently lives and works in Amsterdam.

Professionally, Cecile works as a producer of animated films with her award-winning husband Piet Kroon, and as language editor and editorial consultant, supporting her authors anywhere from start to polish. Cecile is no stranger to the ‘deep end.’ Having lived with multiple sclerosis for 20 years, she explores the Art of Losing™ on a daily basis. She is currently working on her book of the same title, that explores how acknowledging our full experience can reinvigorate our presence.​

OASIS comes to Europe!
Some of you already know Cecile Wijne as editor of Is OASIS for you? 25 stories of people who said YES!.

Cecile’s latest edited book is the Dutch Doorleefboek, a workbook for children in mourning. Together with a trusted grown up, the child moves through the complex and confusing emotions around loss. The book offers gorgeously illustrated short stories around four animals, each animal representing a core emotion. The stories help a child identify and open up, and are paired with exercises that help explore feelings and thoughts through activities, crafts, talks, and yes… the OASIS Strategies!

Cecile reworked the OASIS Strategies into an even more accessible, kid-appropriate format, and was able to come up with fun new names that keep the 4-3-2-1 numbering. Author Ellen Dreezens created adorable clips that illustrate the exercises.