Oasis Stress Expert Directory

The directory is an online resource that connects individuals with certified professionals specializing in stress management.

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Experts Found: 1
Karen Gomez
Karen Gomez
Holistic Life and Wellness Coach

Karen Gomez is Holistic Life and Wellness Coach and 200 hour yoga teacher graduate of The Hard and The Soft Yoga Institute with Beryl Bender Birch in 2003.  Since then, she has been teaching the classic Ashtanga eight limb path to her students throughout New England and in Southwest Florida combining her work as an Oasis Master Certified Trainer with the foundations of yoga.  She is the founder of Karen Gomez Wellness Consulting and co-founder of Oasis On The Mat Yoga.  She focuses her work on inspiring people to trust their inner voice.  Her life’s work is to live as a passionate and courageous individual and to serve others through coaching and teaching others to live a fulfilling, healthy and spiritual life. Karen's passion is music and performs monthly as the lead singer with a classic rock band.